Affinity Groups

HDC Affinity Group tours a new building

HDC’s unique affinity and peer groups enable members to work collaboratively on current issues, to develop policies, ideas and solutions that provide the entire sector with the tools it needs to maximize the development of affordable housing. These dynamic groups are open to all members and concentrate on specific issues.

HDC interest areas are less formal groups designed to address policies, incentives and/or funding issues that affect the affordable housing sector in specific geographic areas of King County and suggest HDC policy positions as appropriate.

HDC Affinity Group tours a new building

HDC Members: Affinity Group Signup Form (PDF)

HDC Members: Sign up for affinity group email blasts

Meeting dates are posted on the Calendar.

Affinity Groups

Affordable Homeownership
Addresses the challenges and opportunities for the various models providing opportunities for homeownership to low and moderate income citizens.

Asset Management & Property Management (AM / PM)
Work to increase standards and improve internal systems for quality, cost effective & efficient long-term oversight of low income housing properties.

CBO Collaborative
Focused on access to capacity building, knowledge sharing, and cataloging promising practices to support community-driven development

Practical Development Solutions (PDS)
Share and exchange best practices in design and building; probe sector cost and quality concerns and consider possible resolution for various issues in policy, process and production; bring in outside experts on related topics; tour recently opened projects; conduct studies among HDC member organizations.

Resident Services
Explore the relationship between resident services and asset management, and learn more about funding and the successful implementation of resident services programs.

Tax Credits / Bond Financing Programs
Work to develop and advocate for HDC positions on Low Income Housing Tax Credit and bond cap policies.

Peer/Work Groups

Facilities Management Peer Group
Discover through curiosity, dialogue, and site review the key issues related to facilities management of sustainable affordable housing production and preservation, with a focus on practical wins and long-term trajectory when managing and maintaining member portfolios.

Exemplary Building Task Force
Work to define exemplary building (targets/thresholds, definitions), explore how to make exemplary building standards practical and scalable for providers, and discuss how to get local jurisdictions behind these efforts.

Offsite Construction Task Force
Targets the completion of five “open-source” affordable housing demonstration projects—totaling 500 homes (“units”)—in five years. This five-project pilot will utilize modular and offsite construction strategies and will develop and distribute a scalable open-source housing development model for our region.

Policy Advisory Group (PAG)
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Work Group
Affordable Housing Dashboard Work Group

Contact Loren for more information on the above Peer/Work Groups, or to be added to a distribution list.