The Eastside Housing Trust Fund

Save the Date: ARCH Member City Budget Hearings

Many ARCH member cities will begin holding public hearings to discuss their biennial budgets in October. HDC and community members are encouraged to ask for increased contributions to the Eastside Housing Trust Fund by attending the hearings or submitting a comment.

Budget hearing dates, times, and locations are displayed below. The calendar is continuously being updated as cities solidify their budget hearing schedules.

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About the Eastside Housing Trust Fund

Everyone should have the opportunity to live in a safe, healthy, and affordable home. A Regional Coalition for Housing (ARCH) is a partnership of East King County cities, joining together to preserve and increase the supply of housing for low- and moderate- income households in the region. The Eastside Housing Trust Fund is a critical source of capital funding for affordable housing. To date, Housing Trust Fund contributions have created 3,000 affordable homes in east King County. This funding boosts local economies and creates jobs; every $1000 of funding leverages $9000 in external public and private resources.

In 1993, ARCH (A Regional Coalition for Housing) member cities created the Eastside Housing Trust Fund as a way to directly assist the development and preservation of affordable housing in East King County. Since its inception, member cities have made over $42 million available to fund nearly 3,000 affordable homes located in East King County.

Over the past several years, cities’ contributions to the trust fund have flatlined or, in some cases, decreased. Meanwhile, the need for affordable housing in East King County has increased. In order to address the housing needs of low- and moderate-income families on the eastside, we need cities to prioritize funding for the Eastside Housing Trust Fund in their budgets.

If you’d like to take action to support the Eastside Housing Trust Fund, please sign our petition here.

And for more information, contact Kelly at [email protected].