Note from Michelle on the House Budget
Hi everyone – here is what is the House Operating and Capital Budgets. As anticipated, the HTF came in lower than we wanted at $150 million. We are happy to see a HEN increase of $12.7 million although we had wanted more. And its good to see the overall increase of $38 million for homelessness programs in general (which includes the funding for HEN, as well Anchor Community Initiative and O&M dollars for PSH).
We are pleased to see that HB 1406 is fully funded at $69 million for this biennium.
We are trying to find out what is going on with HB 1921. It looks like the House has taken our REET bill and put it all in the general fund – we will confirm if that is true.
Below is the HTF appropriation language. As you can such, much of it is earmarked for projects or put into buckets. This isn’t entirely surprising, but disappointing none the less. We are still hearing the the Senate will be coming in higher on the HTF. Advocacy between now and when the budget is released can help secure that.
Lastly, we are seeing $15 million for weatherization and $5 million for the healthy home remediation program.