Reports & Resources Library

There are a lot of housing data resources out there, and sometimes it can be challenging to find the right one. HDC has a number of original reports and a library of external resources curated by HDC staff.

If you are an HDC member or government entity and you could use assistance locating the most appropriate housing data source, don’t hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to provide guidance and point you in the right direction.

HDC’s Annual Reports

HDC exists to serve as an advocate, broker, and convener of and for our growing membership.

Large-scale social change comes from effective sector-wide coordination rather than from the isolated intervention of individual organizations. Substantially greater progress can be made in alleviating complex social problems when nonprofits, governments, businesses, and the public are brought together around a common agenda.

We invite you to view snapshots of our work over the last few years, and celebrate all who make it happen.

Multi-Service Center: Community Needs Assessment

Multi-Service Center (MSC) is building a future without poverty by addressing the causes and barriers of poverty with holistic services. MSC’s service area of South King County is considered home to the largest population in the county living in poverty. The organization offers emergency and basic services to stabilize individuals and families in South King County, helping them to attain the resources and skills to rise out of poverty and become self-sufficient. Each year MSC serves between 40,000 and 45,000 individuals. MSC conducts a Community Needs Assessment (CNA) every three years in order to understand the causes and conditions of poverty within the South King County community. MSC conducted a CNA in 2019 to assess the current economic environment, current needs of the community, and the effectiveness of existing MSC programs.

Research on Property Tax Exemptions for Multifamily Housing

The Multifamily Housing Tax Exemption (MFTE) is a property tax exemption program that allows eligible cities to target specific areas for multifamily housing development. Property owners may apply for an 8-year or 12-year property tax exemption for building or rehabilitating multifamily housing. Cities have the authority to approve and reject individual projects. Want more information? Read the full report or check out the video overview!

HDC Research

HDC was fortunate enough to have three amazing Evans School students working with us over the in 2019 to study the regional fragmentation in King County and how it acts as a barrier to reaching the scale of preservation and production of affordable housing to meet the tremendous need of 156,000 affordable homes right now!

Read “Growing Pains” and reach out with questions or comments!

The State of the Nation’s Housing 2019

From the Joint Center of Housing Studies at Harvard, this report maps out the housing shortage landscape from production pitfalls to the rise of homelessness in high-cost environments. Find the report here. Article here.

The Gap: A Shortage of Affordable Rental Homes

A report measuring the gap between the need for affordable homes and the availability in every state. In Washington state, there is only 29 affordable homes for every 100 low-income renter households.

Out of Reach: The High Cost of Housing

A report cataloging what someone in each state would need to earn in order to afford a market rate 2-bedroom apartment. In Washington, you would need to make $30.46/hour to afford a 2 bedroom rental home. We are also the 6th highest housing wage in the entire country.

Losing Home: The Human Cost of Eviction in Seattle 

A report analyzing the eviction trends in Seattle, the disproportionate impact on marginalized communities, and the domino effect of eviction and homelessness. Among numerous data points extracted from the analysis, the startling figure of 52% of evictions happening for less than one month’s rent has inspired both local and state lawmakers to advocate for eviction reform. 37% of respondents became unsheltered following their eviction.

Paycheck to Paycheck 2018: How to make homes affordable to home builders

The 2018 “Paycheck to Paycheck” report focuses on the affordability challenges workers face in five job categories in the construction industry: carpenters; electricians; heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) mechanics; maintenance workers and plumbers. The database currently highlights the costs of renting and homeownership for workers in 81 occupations in 259 metro areas nationwide.

HDC Original Reports:

Under One Roof

An examination of policy tools have King County cities have implemented or committed to implement. Includes scorecards for 19 King County cities.

Local Policy Toolkit

A guide to affordable housing policy tools for local governments and advocates in Washington State.

Racial Equity Toolkit

An analysis of racial equity in the affordable housing sector as well as foundational information of racial equity. The toolkit was designed around four tenets: Education on racial equity, Identification of racial issues in organization, Creation of a plan for change, and Implementation of the tools for the future.

Improving Health of Housing in South King County

A report recommending several strategies for cities to improve the conditions of their affordable housing stock without jeopardizing the affordability homes. Strategies include increasing access to information, incentives and regulations, and tenant support policies.

Getting to Healthy Housing in South King County

A follow up to our 2015 report “Improving Health of Housing in South King County,” this white paper provides a detailed proposal of how South King County could adopt and utilize a resource and referral network and community health workers in unsubsidized housing.

Housing Terms & Policy Glossary

A glossary of commonly used affordable housing jargon.[/two_third]

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