Complete Communities Coalition

Seattle is at a crossroads: We can continue with status quo policies that lock in high-cost, car-dependent, and exclusionary communities — or we can make bold, practical changes to our land use policies to create an affordable, equitable, and sustainable Seattle. The Complete Communities Coalition is an alliance of community groups dedicated to realizing the future we need through the 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update.

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About Seattle’s 2024 Major Comprehensive Plan Update

Cities in Washington under the Growth Management Act have Comprehensive Plans that act as the blueprint for their growth, guiding decisions around housing, transportation, industry and amenities. These foundational documents undergo a major update only once every ten years.

Update Process Timeline

The process of updating Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan began in 2022 and is projected to continue through 2024. Some upcoming benchmarks include:

Feb 2024: Release of draft plan & Environmental Impact Statement by Seattle OPCD

Feb – Mar, 2024: 45-day public comment period

April – June, 2024 (estimated): Final plan and zoning announced

Learn More

Find an overview of Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan Update in this report from Seattle OPCD: One Seattle Comprehensive Plan.

Read our letters commenting on earlier drafts from August 2022 and January 2023.

About the Complete Communities Coalition

Amidst a deepening affordable housing crisis and ongoing population growth, Seattle’s 2024 Comprehensive Plan update must result in a plan that encourages more housing, prevents displacement, and prioritizes the health of all people and the environment. The goal of the Complete Communities Coalition is to advocate for the transformative land use policies and inclusive growth strategies, holding leaders accountable to the changes our communities need through this update process.

Steering Committee Members

Our Values

Housing Abundance: We believe Seattle needs more homes of all types, sizes, and shapes. We advocate for policies to address the housing shortage and ensure everyone has a home. 

Sustainability: We support environmentally-responsible urban infill development to reduce sprawl, as well as the creation of green spaces and infrastructure to mitigate local climate change impacts and promote a healthy urban environment.

Racial Justice: We recognize the impact and continued legacies of racist and classist housing and land use policies. We advocate for policies to repair these harms, desegregate neighborhoods, and reverse displacement, to ensure a just and inclusive Seattle for all residents.

Environmental Justice: We recognize the adverse health and safety effects of past decisions on where to direct growth and advocate for allowing more homes to be built off arterials and in every neighborhood across Seattle.

Complete Communities: We aim to create connected, walkable and rollable neighborhoods with convenient access to jobs, schools, transit, amenities, and services, to foster equitable communities and reduce dependence on cars.