Affordable Housing Week 2022
What is Affordable Housing Week?
The 7th Annual Affordable Housing Week is a series of education and advocacy events that highlight the role affordable housing plays in stabilizing our communities. Each year, HDC and our partners bring together elected officials, city/county staff, advocates and King County residents to create momentum for investments and policies to ensure affordable, thriving and equitable communities.
Why Affordable Housing Week?
King County’s exacerbated need for affordable housing is a regional problem and impacts all municipalities. This Affordable Housing Week, we hope to ignite an unprecedented investment in affordable housing across our region. We will collectively make it known that we are “ALL IN FOR HOUSING.” This is an opportunity to urge cities across King County to adopt new and effective strategies that address our urgent affordable housing needs.
Schedule of Events
Mark your calendars for a full week of events! Click on the event tiles below to register to attend and for more information!
Click on the thumbnails below to check out the proclamations from jurisdictions around King County.
Help Spread the Word!
Check out our Social Media Guide and help us build momentum for Affordable Housing Week!
Thank you to our 2022 Affordable Housing Week Sponsors!
Check out our 2021 AHW Event Recordings:
- Kick-Off: Solving Homelessness with Permanent Supportive Housing
- More the a Unit Count: How North Lot Redefines the Affordable Housing Metric
- What Just Happened: HFH Recaps the Legislative Session
- OFF-SITE: “Open Source” Ultra-Efficient Affordable Housing
- Three Perspectives on the Legislative Session: Impacts & Future Action
- Conversation with Joe Minicozzi of Urban Three