
HDC is dedicated to a future wherein all people live with dignity in safe, healthy, affordable homes in communities of opportunity.

We pursue this vision through our advocacy in the following campaign areas:

Renew & expand the King County Veterans and Human Services Levy

Renew and expand Document Recording Fees

Fund the State Housing Trust Fund

Increase funding for the Eastside Housing Trust Fund

Authorize new local funding options, including an additional Real Estate Excise Tax for affordable housing

Expand the Federal Low Income Housing Tax Credit


Implement Seattle’s Mandatory Housing Affordability Program

Enact and implement appropriate, effective inclusionary housing tools in rezones and station area plans across King County

Enact and expand Source of Income Discrimination Protections

Build affordable housing on public property



Implement local Rental Registration & Inspection Programs





Implement Seattle’s Housing Affordability & Livability Agenda

Implement King County’s Housing Strategy Plan

Develop strong, comprehensive housing strategy plans across Eastside cities




This is not a comprehensive list of all policies HDC intends to advocate for or support in 2017.