MLK, Jr. Day of Service Opportunities 2017
Choosing to make your day off a day on? You can make a positive impact in our community through any of the opportunities below:
Day- Of Opportunities:
United Way of Seattle-King County has a broad range of options ranging from meal prep to forest restoration.
The Corporation for National & Community Services and VolunteerMatch have searchable databases of events nation-wide.
The Seattle Times compiled a list of local events to honor and celebrate the legacy of Dr. King.
Year-round Opportunities:
Many HDC members depend on volunteers to fulfill their missions. These diverse and flexible opportunities mean you can help any time of the year.
Capitol Hill Housing: Help Capitol Hill Housing residents with one-on-one career and job skills mentorship.
Catholic Community Services of Western Washington/Catholic Housing Services: Diverse opportunities mean ranging from meal delivery to skilled services like acupuncture!
Compass Housing Alliance: Prepare and serve meals for Compass Housing Alliance clients.
Congregations for the Homeless: Serve men experiencing homelessness on the eastside.
Downtown Emergency Service Center: Serve people experiencing homelessness in Seattle.
El Centro de la Raza: Assist in the development office or foodbank, tutor a child, or help in a variety of other ways.
Friends of Youth: Serve youth experiencing homelessness on the eastside.
Habitat for Humanity: Volunteer at a construction site or help in Habitat offices.
Hopelink: Diverse opportunities from meal delivery and food bank assistance to mentoring/tutoring adults.
Imagine Housing: Support a community event or help with property improvements.
InterIm: Assist InterIm events in Chinatown International District.
International Rescue Committee: Serve refugees in our community.
Jewish Family Service: Foodbank, home delivery, and other options to serve.
Low Income Housing Institute: Help out at the Urban rest stops or check out LIHI’s other options.
Mercy Housing: Property improvement and other opportunities.
Multi-Service Center: Diverse opportunities from meal delivery and food bank assistance to mentoring/tutoring adults.
Path With Art: Serve in the offices or art classes with Path for Art.
Pioneer Human Services: Become a mentor to someone in need.
Plymouth Healing Communities: Help residents with moving
Rebuilding Together: Help in the office or on rebuilding sites
Sea Mar: Volunteer opportunities at Sea Mar community health centers county wide.
SCIDPDA: Support neighborhood clean ups or other events in the CID!
The Sophia Way: Serve women experiencing homelessness on the eastside.
Sound Generations: Serve older adults by delivering meals, driving them to appointments, or other means.
YouthCare: Serve youth experiencing homelessness in our community