HB 1797: Dial up the pressure!
HB 1797 is our best chance this session to ensure local governments can fund the affordable housing development and preservation that their communities need.
You can take action for housing affordability today by making a phone call to your legislators!
Call the Legislative Hotline to leave a message for all of your state representatives in one phone call!
Or, reach out to them individually:
- House of Representatives phone directory
- Senate phone directory
- Here’s a script you can use:
” Hello, I am a constituent of Rep./Senator X and I would like to urge them to vote yes on HB 1797. We need more safe, healthy, and affordable homes in our state and this bill gives local governments more tools to address this need.”
It’s as simple as that!
It’s never too late to participate in the previous two week’s actions! Write your representatives and send a letter to your local editor here.
Thank you for taking actions for safe, healthy, affordable homes for all.
Happy Advocating!
-HDC Policy & Advocacy Team