
HDC Coalition Comment on Seattle Comprehensive Plan Update – Expand Scope for Abundant and Affordable Homes

We, the undersigned organizations, represent a coalition committed to advancing housing affordability and addressing climate change through Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan update, including affordable housing developers and operators, environmental advocates, climate activists, and grassroots housing organizers. We thank you for the opportunity to comment on the scope of the environmental impact statement (EIS) for the One Seattle Plan 2024 Comprehensive Plan update. It is essential that the City analyzes a full range of growth alternatives in the EIS. We urge you to expand the scope of analysis of each of the alternative growth strategies and to advance a new transformative Alternative 6, to provide as much flexibility to build as many homes as possible.

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Appreciating Mark Santos-Johnson

A picture of Mark Santos-Johnson

Mark Santos-Johnson, the Community Development & Housing Manager at the City of Renton, retired on May 20th.

Mark has worked tirelessly in the housing sector for more than 40 years – from working to develop and manage the Broadview Emergency Shelter with the Fremont Public Association (now Solid Ground), to working as the manager of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program at the Washington State Housing Finance Commission supporting the construction of thousands of affordable homes across the state, to spending the last twenty-two years at the City of Renton dedicated to developing affordable housing and providing greater opportunities for the community’s current and future residents.

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Patience Malaba Named New Executive Director

We are very pleased to announce that Patience Malaba has been selected as HDC’s next Executive Director.

Patience Malaba, HDC’s new Executive Director

For almost four years at HDC, and in increasing levels of responsibility, Patience has served as HDC’s Director of Government Relations and Policy. Prior to that, she managed Seattle for Everyone, a broad coalition that was central to the success of Seattle’s Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA). Previous positions also include work with Futurewise and the Services Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 6

Patience has been recognized for her leadership in addressing the intersecting crises of affordable housing, racial equity, and climate change and was the 2020 Bullitt Foundation Environmental Fellowship awardee. A powerful advocate for affordable homes and equitable communities, her efforts have advanced cross-sector partnerships that result in equitable access to affordable housing. A demonstrated commitment to housing access, equity, and community makes her the ideal person to guide HDC into the next phase of our leadership role in creating affordable housing for all people in King County.

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HDC Seeking Fair Resolution to Concrete Strike

Unionized concrete truck drivers stopped driving throughout King County and the impact of the concrete truck drivers’ strike has a significant detrimental effect on the production of affordable housing. The negative impacts are substantial and as housing advocates, we are seeking a fair resolution as fast as possible.

As the Housing Development Consortium (HDC), we support the workers being paid fair wages and recognize the connection between wages and housing stability. We urge bargaining partners to advance good faith negotiations that include a fair contract for workers in tandem with ensuring the creation of desperately needed affordable housing.

The concrete strike has measurable financial impacts on affordable housing projects. The related delays cost the projects in two ways. First, the general contractor is entitled to schedule extensions that come with a cost. Second, the delay will force additional interest to accumulate on the construction loan and will incur delay penalties due to the late delivery of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credits. The combination of these two is enumerated at a negative cost impact of $3.8M collectively and grows each day the work stoppage continues.

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HDC Member Highlight: The Nehemiah Initiative

The Nehemiah Initiative Seattle has had quite a start-up year. The nonprofit formed on January 1 of this year but has been a functioning group and mission for almost 20 years.

The Nehemiah Initiative Seattle is a faith-based community development initiative (FBDI). Its mission is to empower the African American community in the Seattle region and beyond to support the retention of historically Black institutions by advocating for development of real property assets owned by those historically Black institutions.

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HDC Member Highlight: BUILD LLC

BUILD LLC is a multi-disciplinary architectural design firm with a diverse portfolio of work that demonstrates elegance, integrity, and simplification of the complex. With over 20 years of experience rooted in integrated design and a working knowledge of construction, BUILD partners with commercial developers, corporate and facility managers, institutional and educational planners, and residential clients to create projects that provide lasting value. BUILD’s focus is on thorough research, accurate program design, ensuring client value, and solving the right problems.

They have the experience and expertise in everything from master planning, feasibility studies, and project cost analysis, to full design documentation and various permitting and entitlement processes. The BUILD team has developed and built nearly every type of project, and always brings an unmatched, robust, construction administration service during the crucial phases of project building, implementation, and commissioning.

BUILD is truly a full-service firm, and their foremost attention is in relating to clients on a fundamental level, and ensuring that they handle each client and project with respect and care.

BUILDing a Foundation

BUILD’s founder Kevin Eckert and his longtime partner Andrew van Leeuwen began their careers at Swenson Say Fagét engineers where they learned the nuts and bolts of construction, and designing and permitting from the engineers perspective. Not surprisingly, when Kevin subsequently founded BUILD, the firm offered design and construction services; although BUILD no longer provides the latter, the team brings this sensibility and know-how to all of their projects—every line they draw is executed with a deep knowledge of the complexity that goes into putting buildings together and their commensurate construction costs.

BUILD brings their collaborative and education-driven values to HDC. At the heart of BUILD’s philosophy is the sharing of information, and the widely-read BUILD blog allows the team to engage in a dialogue — ideas, insights, concerns etc. — with a global audience. The architectural paradigm of the past incentivized architects to keep their ideas, methods, and processes to themselves, which resulted in an exclusive system of design. This is antithetical to the very nature of an affordable and equitable society, and social media offers design professionals the opportunity to create a new transparent model. For the last 15 years, through its various social media platforms, BUILD has been able to foster communication and collaboration with the public and within the profession.

BUILDing with Values

“As architects concerned with our collective future, and who care deeply about community, we aspire to make projects that ensure a high quality of life for current and future generations. This begins with having a home that meets our basic needs; we know that being able to feel secure contributes to an entire household’s well-being and sense of belonging, particularly the most vulnerable: our children. According to BUILD, “We also appreciate that all other forms of security (nutrition assistance, employment, relationships…) flow from having stable and dependable housing. We continue to advocate for removing barriers to providing more access to affordable housing through our work, our widely read blog, and in our communities.”

BUILD is working on several projects through its satellite office in Sisters, Oregon, which include workforce housing that will allow families to reside within walking distance of their employers and schools, and the opportunity to purchase their homes—and by default, to build equity. This kind of work excites BUILD. Additionally, BUILD was asked to design and develop a series of prototype cottages and townhomes for multiple sites within and on the edge of the current Sisters Urban Growth Boundary. Projects of this scale further underscore BUILD’s commitment to creating affordable home options for local families and local businesses.

BUILDing Community

BUILD LLC considers it a priority to create impactful philanthropic programming, and to engage with, enrich, and bolster various non-profit organizations.

In 2020, BUILD launched its Humanity in Action Racial Equity Scholarship to support entrepreneurial high school students focused on inciting change. As a company that provides urban planning and design services, BUILD has the opportunity to shape our physical environment and influence locales throughout the Northwest. The BUILD staff continually strive to make places that are accessible for all, and to do so in a socially- and racially-just manner. In the midst of the most powerful social movement our country has experienced in decades, BUILD’s scholarship recognizes the important work so many are performing in support of racial and social equity. The first scholarship was awarded in 2021.

From 2009 to 2019, BUILD hosted and participated in a yearly charity ride from Seattle to Vancouver, the revenue of which supported two organizations each year, raising an annual average of $22,000 and a ten-year total of $206,000. For 2019’s 188-mile ride, proceeds benefited Seattle’s Bike Works and Team Gleason. Post-pandemic, they fully intend to resume this impactful, team building, and fun program!

Entering HDC membership during the current health crisis, BUILD is navigating – professionally and personally – the intersection of health and housing. “While we at BUILD have a deeper understanding of disease transmission and how to design buildings and systems that will reduce potentially negative health outcomes, over the last 15 months we have been confronted by the systemic racism and inequalities that are embedded in our culture, and by extension, our industry. We are no longer conducting business as usual; we have made personal commitments to continue educating ourselves on the myriad inequities and injustices that pervade society, and the roles we may play in eradicating them—for each other, for our clients, for our profession, and for our world.”

Welcome to the HDC movement, BUILD!

HDC Member Highlight: BEE Consulting

It was BEE Consulting’s mission-driven work that led them into the affordable housing sector.

Formed in 1999, BEE Consulting’s primary focus has always been to perform superior building envelope design for their clients and community. Over the years, the team has added additional services that round out the package of what their consultants can provide including full building energy analysis, weatherization design, window testing, air barrier design and testing, and infrared thermography.

BEE’s team is comprised of a group of licensed professional engineers, consultants, experienced construction inspectors, highly qualified fenestration and air barrier testing technicians and CAD drafters who have extensive experience in envelope details and materials specifications. Their team’s diverse backgrounds and connections abroad help them give a special insight to the international work and development practices.

As new members of HDC, the BEE Consulting team is excited to collaborate with other leaders in the sector on sustainable and affordable building. Their team is eager to provide insight and advise as much as possible. They look forward to giving back to the community through affordable and energy-efficient solutions.

BEE has already partnered with many fellow HDC members. BEE consulted on one project especially cherished to members and partners, the Filipino Community Village. Located in the Rainier Valley neighborhood of Seattle, Filipino Community Village provides affordable housing opportunities for households with seniors 55 and older. You can watch a recording of project partners discussing the incredible collaboration and project during our Affordable Housing Week event, Increasing Options for Aging in Place.

With BEE, the team is designing for more cost-effective and sustainable communities. They explore affordable solutions that can also reduce a building’s carbon footprint and energy costs. This is fundamental to their decision making and recommendations. BEE offers many services to meet each building envelope engineering needs, including a variety of services for new design, remediation, research, and forensics. They have a strict policy to provide accurate costs for all their services so developers can appropriately budget.

BEE has been sharing and advocating for a special promising practice for affordable housing: triple pane windows. Standard windows are single or double pane, but the extra glass can make units more energy efficient, comfortable, and durable. As with new double paned window installations, a seal between each pane makes the windows airtight and allows for improved insulation and can improve up to 20-30% on energy efficiency. Because of these insulating properties, triple pane windows can help regulate unit temperature at a comfortable level, reducing monthly energy bills.

While some sustainable building practices – like solar paneling – can be a very expensive investment, triple pane windows are particularly worthwhile considering windows can take up 30% of the wall. Triple pane windows are a durable, long-term investment as they last for 30-40 years. These can be utilized for large or small windows. Lastly, triple pane windows can help the overall comfort of a unit. Triple pane windows are more effective at keeping out sound, which is particularly beneficial in King County metropolitan areas.

As a steward of sustainable development, BEE Consulting is excited to be joining HDC and assisting fellow members in simple, eco-friendly improvements to projects. To learn more about this incredible team, visit their website or reach out to Telman Gasanov, BEE’s Principal & Energy Department Manager.

Welcome, BEE!

Harvard ManageMentor: Education, Commitment, Opportunity

Education. Commitment. Opportunity. According to our members, these keywords best encapsulate HDC’s Harvard ManageMentor program. We have officially closed our first year of the program and many teams and individuals across HDC membership took full advantage of the opportunity. Below is feedback we’ve collected about the program.

You can register for HMM Year 2 here. 

Year 1 Participant:

I was recently promoted into a junior leadership position, and Harvard ManageMentor seemed like a great way to start thinking of myself as a leader- instead of just an analyst.

Now that you’re in the program, what general factors have been especially important in sustaining high engagement? 

The goals I have set within the program, for use throughout the following weeks, have helped me to implement the new skills I’m learning and stay focused on adding what I’m learning to my daily routine.  I’ve also included the course as my main development goal for two consecutive annual performance evaluations which drive my wage increase and yearly bonus.

What specific courses have been the most interesting and relevant to you? 

I really learned a lot from Feedback and Coaching, as well as Meeting Management. I’m not comfortable being the center of attention, and it’s helped me to have some outside help in getting more comfortable in those areas – setting boundaries in a conversation, tackling difficult topics, and time management.

We often hear that “finding the time” is the biggest obstacle for adult learners with full-time jobs. How did you approached that time challenge?

For the first few months, I was training a new colleague and couldn’t find the time during my regular work schedule to fit it in. Starting in 2021, I was able to carve out a couple afternoons back to back each month to step away from the regular workspace and log in to the month’s session.  My manager has encouraged me to complete the work on company time whenever possible.

We also hear that it can be extremely helpful when participants have the chance to share what they’re learning with colleagues in their own workplaces. Have has your team found ways to do that?

The Coaching module gave me the idea to schedule a weekly conversation with my colleague, rather than wait for a fire that needs putting out to talk to each other. He joined the team last year and will be working separately from me and our manager even when we return to the office. I wanted to keep the lines of communication more open than they had been with my former colleagues, and build that relationship so that when I am promoted into a higher leadership position, we have the groundwork in place.

If you’ve already applied what you’re learning to a specific situation at work, can you briefly describe it?

I used the Delegating module to shift the dynamic between me and my colleague. He still had a tendency to come to me for answers that were easily found in our internal and external resources, so I started directing him back to those for the answers rather than just giving him the information. This has freed up more of my time and also empowered him to know where to go for answers on his own. He still comes to me if he doesn’t understand a policy or process, but now he knows where to start.

Anything else would you like to share with HDC, with other participants, and/or with future participants?

I really appreciate the opportunity to learn and grow using this program. When my manager approached me with the idea, it felt like a heavy lift, especially with the recent turnover on our team. But it has been a pleasure to hear all the anecdotes from diverse and interesting people in all kinds of different fields, and really helpful to watch the “Right and Wrong” videos acting out scenarios to show more useful ways to interact with one another.  I’m really pleased with the way this program has been put together, and I would recommend it to colleagues and friends who want to get more comfortable with seeing themselves as leaders.

Rafn Company on their experience with the program:

Finding a good external leadership training course is difficult and finding one with room for a Rafn cohort is really unique. The idea of a potentially ongoing source with a proven curriculum was too good to pass up. The structure could allow us to build a group of graduates over 3 – 5 years that would be really strong leaders. And the networking is a real plus.

Now that you’re in the program, what general factors have been especially important in sustaining high engagement? 

The structure that we put in place with internal meet-ups for our four participants has created real accountability amongst our team. Also having management interested and engaged with participants and seeing what they are learning. We think the café’s have strong potential if more people used them consistently.

How have the group café discussions been going? What has another café participant shared that has resonated with you or caused you to think differently about something?

The cafes help to keep people on track with the course work and are a good chance to network. Sharing would perhaps be more forthcoming if the cafes could meet in person. Sometimes sharing personal stories over Zoom with strangers is a bit more difficult. From our internal meetups, it was interesting to learn that a couple of our cohort did not previously view themselves as leaders, but the program has opened their perspectives..

We often hear that “finding the time” is the biggest obstacle for adult learners with full-time jobs. How did the Rafn team approached that time challenge? 

Despite the fact that we have encouraged our people to use their time at work to help get the homework done, they all report that uninterrupted time is key to learning and retaining the information. That has led most to doing the sessions from home. The plus is that it is super accessible and you can do the courses from anywhere.

We also hear that it can be extremely helpful when participants have the chance to share what they’re learning with colleagues in their own workplaces. Has Rafn found ways to do that? 

Our group of four participants meets once a month for an hour (via Zoom). They share what they are learning and what they are experiencing as they work through the course. We think that has really added value to the program for our team. Every one of our participants has expanded their leadership role within the company over the past year of the program, so the trickle down effect is in play at multiple levels on a daily basis.

Anything else would you like to share with HDC, with other participants, and/or with future participants?

Any technical staff would benefit from these courses. It is the kind of training that isn’t common in our industry. It really teaches how to better interact with others to get results and build camaraderie. Others suggest taking full advantage of the conversation cafes.

HDC Member Highlight: Whitley Evergreen

Over 75 years of off-site construction experience comes with a suite of services and benefits when building with Whitley Evergreen.

Whitley Manufacturing Co., Inc. was founded in South Whitley, Indiana, after World War II to provide homes for returning veterans. As you can imagine, the company has grown significantly throughout that time. By 1992, the factory had manufactured 25,000 units. In the early 2000s, Whitley expanded to two new locations, Rochester, Indiana and Seattle, WA. Whitley Evergreen is the local branch of the company and one of the newest members of HDC. Their multiple plants provide true coast-to-coast service of modular and off-site construction.

Whitley Evergreen’s focus on affordable housing is aligned with their efficient building practices and commitment to community. To Whitley Evergreen, the opportunities to participate in meaningful projects is one of the exciting things about the affordable housing market – knowing that these kinds of projects can draw and bring together all kinds of people with various backgrounds and skills, and helping the community grow at the same time.

Whitley Evergreen stands out in their construction processes, with modular construction principles? to manufacture buildings. In joining the HDC community, Whitley Evergreen would like to share open communication with members, as they are an extremely easy team to communicate with. The team encourages folks to ask any and all questions on how their modular construction process works!

They firmly believe that their method of construction is quicker, more cost effective, and a much less disruptive and environmentally responsible way to build. “We love to teach others of our practices and explain in detail and by example the advantages of modular construction,” explained Alan Duer, General Manager of Whitley Evergreen. “We are proud of how little red tape there is at Whitley Evergreen and our team’s willingness and excitement to explain the benefits of modular construction and the many unique and advanced processes behind it.”

They are also a company with a leading heart for compassion and community. The Whitley team actively looks to how they can assist in the community and help those in need. Recently, the Whitley Evergreen facility assisted King County and Catholic Housing in building the Elliot Avenue Homeless Transitioning Campus, comprised of numerous modular buildings to assist in helping those transitioning from homelessness. While the project was in construction, the COVID-19 pandemic began to spread across King County. The project partners were challenged to assist those transitioning from homelessness while also protecting vulnerable individuals on the street from COVID-19. Last Fall, project partners discussed the project, wins, challenges, and lessons learned with HDC members.

In joining HDC, Whitley Evergreen is an interested observer – keeping an eye on the many different types of affordable housing people are building and figuring out how their factory and modular construction can add value to a lot of the types of projects they are seeing. They are very interested in having a bigger role in developing building plans and creating future affordable housing projects.

“We are really excited about the future for the entire modular construction industry being involved in a lot more affordable housing projects. More and more folks are becoming aware of the control you have over costs and quality by using modular construction,” explained Alan. “We believe that these two more controlled variables in our construction processes will allow affordable housing projects to be not only be more affordable to the homeowner, but also the developer allowing for capital to be spared for possibly more future affordable housing projects.”

Whitley Evergreen sites their commitment to quality as the basis for their steady growth over the last 75 years. Alan highlighted this commitment, “One valuable lesson learned is to never sacrifice finishing your work to meet a schedule. Projects can be delayed for a variety of reasons, but the workmanship should never be compromised because of the lack of time.”

With Whitley joining HDC, they are excited to foster more relationships in the affordable housing sector and be a resource for those interested in offsite construction. If you and your team are interested in learning more about Whitley’s process, reach out to Alan for more information. You can also watch our Learn at Lunch with the Whitley team here.

Welcome to the HDC movement, Whitley! We are grateful to have innovative builders like you.

HDC Member Highlight: Square Peg & Weld Seattle

It is no secret finding a pitch perfect team is difficult. For the owners of Square Peg, Amy and Brady King, this challenge was heightened by the recession and workforce shortages in 2014. Square Peg had the work, the clients, and the partners but desperately needed a complete staff of skilled craftspeople.

By the time the two found their all-star team, they discovered a whole new mission for their vocations.

All of their top candidates had extensive criminal histories. Something that most employers turn away from. However, Amy and Brady looked at each employee seeking a new start and saw each of their potential. “Their stories about reentry and the criminal justice system were so heartbreaking,” Amy said. “One hundred percent of them experienced significant childhood trauma, and they all took responsibility for the decisions they had made.”

Square Peg’s mission grew from building buildings in Seattle to transforming communities through the building of quality spaces and productive people. This mission is proudly the center piece of what they do.

While Square Peg grew, their efforts to support their employees in the reentry process did to. “A job is one thing. It provides a community, a purpose, financial compensation, and independence,” explained Amy, “But there are so many additional barriers to reentry. Housing was definitely the biggest.” At the time, few programs were available for formerly incarcerated people to connect with housing. Despite having a job, many Square Peg employees were struggling to find stable, long-term, and affordable housing.


Thus, Amy, Brady and a number of their staff founded Weld Seattle. Weld is a non-profit with a truly one-of-a-kind approach to housing formerly incarcerated folks. To support employees in finding transitional housing, Amy asked development partners if Square Peg employees can stay in the vacant developments while awaiting proper permitting. In Seattle, buildings can sit vacant 12-18 months waiting for permit approval. In the meantime, developers pay a significant amount in fees throughout that period towards the empty residence. With some convincing, many partners agreed. This unconventional agreement has transformed into Weld’s entire housing model and city legislation.

With support from housing champions on Seattle City Council, the Weld team helped to create legislation to “donate” vacant properties while awaiting permitting for transitional housing. It creates a tax incentive for the properties and waives fees for vacant developments since the space is occupied. Nearly 60% of Weld members have moved from Weld housing into a permanent home.

Weld Seattle has continued to house folks while launching Weld Works which will temporarily place workers in construction and manufacturing companies. So far, Weld Works has placed seventy-nine temporary workers. Forty-eight have moved into permanent employment.

As addressing homelessness is fundamental to their values, Square Peg and Weld are eager to connect with other teams to collaborate on projects in the affordable housing sector. Square Peg’s team not only offers expertise, but also insights with lived experience of resident needs. Square Peg’s goal is to continue to grow more opportunities but also to draw people into the construction workforce. Along with exploring outreach opportunities within prisons, they are looking into apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs in partnership with the Department of Corrections.

Within the next year, Weld is opening 1426, a coordinated reentry resource center that brings service providers together. The building, located in the heart of Seattle’s International District, was donated for Weld’s use in 2019 by Sarah and Richard Barton, Founder and CEO of Zillow Group and founder of Expedia and Glassdoor.

The goal of this project is to reduce recidivism rates, homelessness, and addiction by providing a centralized resource center for people already receiving services or involved in programs to ease the transition of formerly incarcerated people into the community. It will offer a space to heal from the trauma that led to member’s involvement in the criminal justice system, along with health and wellness programming, connection to legal resources, mentorship, adult education classes, a construction trades training program, family reunification assistance, connection to public services, and trauma informed yoga, art, and music therapy.

“Having a physical space in the city that allows us to provide comprehensive services to reintegrating citizens has always been part of our dream. Weld was created with the intention of community collaboration. Creating a space where people with lived experience have a voice and a platform to initiate necessary change is the key to our ongoing success in disrupting systemic inequities in Seattle,” explained Amy King. “In a time when the appropriate path to public safety is being questioned, the purpose of 1426 feels more important and relevant than ever. We are so grateful to the Barton’s for their generosity and look forward to identifying other sponsors and partners that can help us achieve our fundraising goal so we can start renovations and implement more programs as soon as possible.”

Square Peg and Weld Seattle welcome HDC members partnership and collaborations in these next projects. To work with Square Peg or to learn more, complete their contact form. To engage in 1426 or Weld’s housing program, reach out to Amy King at [email protected].